Posts Tagged ‘American


National Eggs Benedict Day and American Food Days

Happy hollandaise!

Today is National Eggs Benedict Day . . . hmm, that makes me want to go to Cinnamon’s and get Kalua Pig Eggs Benedict, which let me tell you is salty, soft meaty, goodness, that will make your taste buds melt and make your heart race (probably from all the calories, but never mind that).

However, a more interesting fact is that almost every day on the calendar is a an American Food Holiday.  Yep, that’s right a lot of the 365 (or 366 days, Feb. 29 is Surf and Turf Day) are taken!  So how do you get a special day like that put on the calendar?  Well, the President of the United States actually can declare a special day through a signing of a Proclamation.  If you are curious on a the details of such things then, click on this link.

However, if you are more curious about food and to see what special food represents your day then click on here.  I was born on National Vanilla Ice Cream Day, which is kind of ironic because I prefer chocolate over Vanilla.  I think I should petition Congress for a change of days.

So what food day were you born on?  And don’t you think with all this shameless promotion of food, which at least have a holiday from the food holidays?


Raiding one refrigerator at a time!

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